Bringing communities together in the name of Jesus Christ!

300 FOR 300

A $300 gift from 300 neighbors provides 300 families food assistance each month for 1 year. Ways to Give: The most helpful gift is a recurring gift of $25 a month and your prayers. A one time $300 gift will support a family for 1 year. There will be an option to set this up as a yearly recurring gift as well. The power of God's multiplication happens when a community comes together to support each other in the name of Jesus. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work" (Ephesians 4:16). Any donations are appreciated, a one time gift of $25 is welcome. All one time $25 gifts will be combined to create $300 for the sake of the campaign meter. All one time gifts over $300 will be broken down to represent $300 for the sake of the campaign donation meter.


Our Mission

We work hard to use what we have been entrusted with to the best of our ability. All decisions are met with prayer and conversations with people relevant to we are trying to accomplish. These are the two main fundamentals that all of our decisions are made.

5 Loaves & 2 Fish is an outreach ministry that is focused on spreading the word of God and feeding into the local community. If you or someone you know needs help or prayer, please reach out to us. Once a month we provide food through our food pantry to help supplement the food needs of the low income households in our area. We also offer other ministries and services including: Christmas Blessings, Diaper Bank, Small Groups and look forward to adding more. To learn more about all of our ministries, please visit the Services page.

Prayer and the Word

Every person we offer services to are offered prayer and resources. We work hard not only to bring people to Christ, but to also help cultivate their relationship and walk with Jesus.

Current Opportunities

Thursday Groups

6:00 Serve Group
Building maintenance and repair, Food distribution prep, other task necessary to keeping the ministry operational.

Food Pantry

Serve Opportunities- Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the first Friday of the month

Last Friday Truck- Truck arrives 8:00 AM
Thursday Truck- Truck arrives 8:00 AM
Distribution First Friday 3:30PM-5:30PM Volunteers arrive 1 hour early.
Saturday Distribution- 10:00AM-12:00PM Volunteers arrive 1 hour early.
Saturday Morning Bible Study

We are working to get Saturday morning Bible study back on the schedule.